What is a Tap record?

Any text can be a Tap note! There are no restrictions on what text you can send to Tap, but some symbols will give your note special powers.

Making notes is as simple as sending a text to your assigned number, (the number Tap texts you from).

You can also log in to your account and make notes there. Once you log in, directly above your feed of notes you will see a button that says "Add Note". Click it, and you will see an input box for your next note.

For a more detailed introduction to the components of your Tap system, check out the section of this guide on the Tap system.

Finally, Tap offers a bookmarklet:

Tap capture

Use the bookmarklet to quickly save webpages to your notes, along with any addition note text.

Making Notes

The standard tap note is just plain text.

Try adding a little bit of organization.

Folders need to be specified at the beginning of the note. Other note components such as tags do not. For example...

In the above example #cooking and #utensils are note tags. Later on, when you want to find your note about "giant wooden spoons" you could locate it using the folder /good-ideas or the tag #cooking or #utensils.

Learn more about folders and tags in the next section, Organization: where to put things and how to find them.

In some cases you might want to transform note into a Task item. Add "Todo" at the beginning of the record.

A Task item is another note component that needs to be specified at the beginning of the note. It can also be specified after a folder, as it is in the example above.

When a Task is complete, you can change the "Todo" text to "Done".

There are two other elements, Pins and Dates that need to be put in a certain position within the record.

The complete order goes: Pin, Date, Folder, Task. Here's an example with all those elements:

For more information on creating notes, see also the section on making notes in the Tap system guide.

Next: More about organization: where to put things and how to find them